Reading Review Part A: Issue and Keyword Generator (LIBE 477B)

Reading Review: Part A
Issue, Personal Interest, or Opportunity Identification and Keyword Generator

I am interested in looking into Digital Citizenship as it pertains to the new English Language Arts Curriculum and in particular, New Media 10 and New Media 11.  One of the Big Ideas listed in the curriculum is that “Digital Citizenship requires both knowledge of digital technology and awareness of its impacts on individuals and society” (Draft New Media 10-11). I am interested in looking into this from the perspective of a classroom English teacher, but also as a teacher-librarian as I think it is something that the library could provide support for in the future.  In particular, for teachers who may not feel as comfortable with the topic.  

In addition, I would like to look at how this topic fits within the wider course offering of New Media.  I would like to look at how I can combine the ideas of Digital Citizenship with the other Big Ideas listed in the curriculum document. 
Key Words:
I started my key word brainstorming on paper as I still like to think with pen and paper in hand.  After I had a series of words, I decided to use a word art generator to see what an image of my keys words would look like. It was interesting to see which words jumped out from the image as they were repeated multiple times in my list.  I imagine my list will develop as a I refine my search for information, but this is my starting point.

-B.C. English Language Arts 10 & 11
-B.C. New Media 10-11
-B.C. Curriculum
-Core Competencies
-Digital Citizenship
-Digital Literacy
-Digital technology
-Constructivist approach
-Student led
-Digital access

-Digital communication

-Digital commerce

-Digital literacy

-Digital etiquette
-Digital law
-Digital rights and responsibilities
-Digital Security
-Citizenship and literature

Where I’ve started to look:
I started my inquiry into this topic by first looking at B.C.'s draft English Language Arts Curriculum.  In particular, New Media 10 and 11.  I have looked at the documents before, but I wanted to refresh my memory on what the expectations were as related to Digital Citizenship. I also took a look at B.C.'s Digital Literacy Framework as it is a foundational document for this purpose.

I then moved onto a colleague's website who is offering the new Language Arts Curriculum this year at the grade 10 level.  I wanted to see how she had incorporated the idea of Digital Citizenship into her course. Her offering is an online course, so the entire course is set-up and accessible.    

Subsequently, I started to do a bit of research on the term Digital Citizenship using Google.  From my initial research it seems like the term is one that is a bit hard to define.  Many people have varying views of what is important and what counts as Digital Citizenship. 

Lastly, I used UBC's library and database access to search for more scholarly information on the topic.  I have large number of articles saved in my list which I intend to read through for part B of this assignment.


Works Cited

Daniels, Carrie. (2017, August). New Media 10. Retrieved September 16, 2017, from

Digital Citizenship. (2017). Retrieved September 16, 2017, from

Digital Literacy Framework. (n.d.). Retrieved September 16, 2017, from

Heick, T.  (n.d.). The Definition Of Digital Citizenship. Retrieved September 16, 2017, from

Key Terms [Digital image]. (2017, September 17). Retrieved September 17, 2017, from

New Media 10. (2016, June). Retrieved September 16, 2017, from

Ribble, M. (2017). Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship. Retrieved September 17, 2017, from


  1. Well done first blog post! Your keywords, direction and goals are well described and justified. You did get ahead of yourself a little bit by discussing where you are searching and what your early results are (more of Reading Review Part B). Overall, this is an exciting topic as it is a new course and new ground. I am hopeful your inquiry will provide useful resources and suggestions for developing this new course!


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